
Why Foster?

Animal Advocates foster program allows us to better prepare dogs for adoption into permanent homes.  It is a rewarding way to help homeless dogs in the Central Florida area.  When you become a foster parent, you are enabling Animal Advocates to save another homeless dog.  The number of dogs we can save is directly related to the number of foster parents we have. 

Our dogs are matched with foster families based on both the dog's and the family's needs.

Foster application process:

  1. Complete the foster application.
  2. Sign and return the Hold Harmless agreement to
  3. The foster coordinator will be in contact with you via phone or email with any additional questions and to help decide which dog would be a good fit.
  4. Coordinate the time to pick up your new foster dog/puppy.

Foster FAQs

What does it take to be a foster parent?
All that is needed, or expected, from a potential foster family is the same unconditional patience and love you show your current pets.

Oh, I could never be a foster.  What if I get too attached? It would break my heart to give them up.
It is true, you will get attached to your foster.  They love you right back and each of us goes through it.  However, loving a dog unconditionally and letting it go when the right forever home is found is one of the most rewarding feelings you can ever have.  It is a truly selfless act on behalf of the foster.  When the time comes for your foster to move on to its forever home, you will feel complete happiness for your foster.  You will have saved a dog's life!

Can I afford to be a foster parent?
Animal Advocates pays for all supplies, food, and vet care the dog will need while in your care.  All you need to do is provide a home and love.

Do I get to choose the dog I foster?
Yes!  All of our dogs that need fosters will be posted on our private Facebook group which you will be added to upon application approval.  If you see a dog that interests you, please let us know and we can make sure it will be a good fit for your family situation.  In the application, you will tell us the criteria you are looking for in a foster and we will also occasionally contact you if we get approached about a dog that may fall within those guidelines.

What if I don't have time and cannot guarantee that I will be able to transport the animal to and from adoption events and medical appointments?
Regarding medical appointments, we usually have some volunteers that are able to transport them.  As long as we know in advance, we can help with the coordination of transportation.  

What if I'm already a foster failure?
A "foster failure" is someone who falls so in love with their foster dog that they wind up adopting them.  This is nothing to be concerned about. In your time fostering a dog, you will bond and grow attached.  Some choose to adopt their foster and we always give our fosters the opportunity to adopt before making the dog available for adoption.

How long would I have the foster?
It is very hard to give an average time a dog is in foster care.  Most of the time dogs/puppies are adopted relatively quickly, but we cannot make any guarantee as to how long they will be in your home. We ask that you commit to the dog/puppy you are fostering until a forever family is found.

What if I am planning on traveling?
Just let the foster coordinator know at least a week in advance and we can connect you with someone able to temporarily foster to cover while you are away.


Contact Information























How many consecutive hours will the pet spend alone during the day?













